So I was thinking the other day and every time I do a contest there are 1-2 winners but everyone puts in so much effort in hopes of winning... I know that's just how contests work but I really wanted everyone to feel appreciated and and to be thanked for the effort you make when trying to win because your efforts help me out a lot!! So here is what I came up with, I have a goal to reach 2000 "likes" (which is around 550 new likes) on my facebook page and I know this seems like a lot so I need your help!! This is all you need to do, "Like" my page, and pass the word along. If I can get a total of 2000 "likes" before August 15th I will give EVERYONE who is a fan of my page (including the new "likes")
50% off their next session!! (not including newborn sessions or weddings). I figure this way I can thank you ALL for helping me out and supporting me with my photography business! Its a win win situation right? :)
Keep in mind these sessions would be perfect for those fall family photos that everyone loves or for your Christmas card photos!
I am really excited to see how this turns out! I know 550 new likes is a lot BUT not impossible! I have high hopes and I know with your help I can reach my goal! And who knows I may be blown out of the water and go above 2000!!! If this happens the deals will only get better :)
If you are in and willing to help me out start "liking" and sharing my page!!
Thanks for your support,
*Once my goal is reached you will have until Sept 1st to book your session. Sessions must be booked between Sept 1st and Dec 14th
If you are here to "Like" this page Please go to to "Like" :) Thank you, Thank you!!!!